She Builds Wealth: 

A Foundational Course for Women on Building Wealth in Real Estate

Self-Paced Course


Looking to invest in real estate but have no idea where to start?

Hi, I'm Christine, and I help women create wealth through real estate.

I knew from a young age that real estate was an amazing way to create wealth, but it wasn't until recently when I started surrounding myself with a network of other like-minded women and investing in myself that things started to click. 

Now, more than ever, women need to take control of their financial futures.  We can no longer rely on only one source of income or a partnership to take care of us financially, as you never know what lies ahead.

Real estate is one of the fastest and safest ways to grow your wealth, with real estate being a main driver for over 90% of millionaires in North America.

This experiential course will teach you the foundations of real estate investing and leave you with the confidence to get your first (or second or third) property under contract and start creating your future wealth.

Okay... I'm ready!

Remember, the best time to invest in real estate was 10 years ago, the second-best time is now.

Before I dive into the course specifics, let's make sure this course is right for you...


✔ You are an ambitious woman who knows real estate investing is a great way to create wealth, but you feel uncertain about how to start

✔ You're eager to learn in a lively, heart-centered, and encouraging community alongside other women who share your goals

✔ You are looking to join a supportive community of like-minded women who are also focused on advancing their wealth through real estate investment

✔ You're ready to take action and commit to a path that aligns with your financial goals and aspirations for the future


This course is NOT for you if you are looking for your next “get rich quick” plan (does such a thing even exist?) or if you are not willing to do the work required and take responsibility for your own wealth creation.

This is totally right for me!

Course Modules

Module 1: Unlocking Your Real Estate Investor Identity

It's essential to clarify your reasons for investing in real estate and assess your available resources. This module will guide you in developing a strategy that aligns specifically with your circumstances, as there is no universal solution or approach in real estate investing. 

Module Takeaways:

➽ Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery

➽ Your WHY & Your Vision

➽ Time vs Money

➽ Active vs Passive Investing

Module 2: The Dream Team Blueprint

Unlike many real estate investing courses I've encountered, I've emphasized the importance of building your dream team right from the beginning. By gaining early insight into how to confidently assemble your dream team and knowing you'll have ongoing support throughout your journey, you'll cultivate the CONFIDENCE needed to advance seamlessly through the next stages of real estate investment. This approach makes the process feel more achievable, tangible, and above all, entirely POSSIBLE, because it truly is!

Module Takeaways:

➽ WHO is More Important Than HOW!

➽ Creating Your Power Team

➽ Your Own Dream Team Downloadable Worksheet

Module 3: Navigating Real Estate Financing and Capital Options

In this module, you'll explore a range of effective strategies for financing your real estate ventures. You'll gain insights into how to secure the capital needed to propel your investments forward. Additionally, you'll learn the importance of forming strategic partnerships to navigate financial challenges collaboratively. By mastering these crucial elements early on, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to confidently advance in your real estate journey.

Module Takeaways:

➽ Partnerships

➽ Pillars of Capital Raising

➽ Securities Commission

➽ Financing for Real Estate Investments

➽ Residential vs Commercial Financing

➽ Understanding Your Credit Score

➽ Mastering Your Mortgage Application Organization

Module 4: Market Mastery

This module is where you will roll up your sleeves and dive into research mode! You will learn about and explore the fundamentals of what drives real estate values both upwards and downwards.

Module Takeaways:

➽ Picking a Market

➽ The Fundamentals

➽ Tenant Selection

➽ Research Resources to Get Started

➽ "Where to Invest" Worksheet Provided

Module 5: Navigating Asset Classes and Strategies

In this module, you will do a deep dive into your research to determine if the market you've chosen aligns with your investing strategy. You will learn how to refine your approach and select your ideal asset class for your investment goals.

Module Takeaways:

➽ Asset Classes & Strategies Guide

➽ Real Estate Asset Classes

➽ Real Estate Investing Strategies

Module 6: Selecting Your Property & Mastering the Numbers Game

In the final module, you will learn how to assess each property's potential and meticulously analyze every detail, down to the last dollar. Savvy real estate investment comes down to bare bones number analysis.  You will gain the skills to thoroughly evaluate all prospective properties. One common mistake for new investors is the temptation to force a deal to fit by overly optimistic projections, which often leads to costly mistakes. By completing this course, you will be equipped with the knowledge to avoid these pitfalls in your future investments!

Module Takeaways:

➽ Income

➽ Expenses

➽ Closing Costs

➽ Title Insurance

➽ Real Estate Investing Proforma Download

➽ Mortgage Payment Calculator (link!)



When you enroll in The Foundations Course, you'll gain lifetime access to an array of additional valuable resources:

  • Join this cohort and benefit from 6 group calls. Meet with me monthly for guidance and support, ensuring you stay on track, get your questions answered and receive personalized advice as you navigate the world of real estate investing.
  • Module recordings personally guided by myself, ensuring you receive thorough guidance
  • Lifetime access to the course materials, including curated book recommendations, recommended podcasts, essential investing principle information, and a comprehensive glossary of terms

These bonuses are designed to enrich your learning experience and provide ongoing support in your real estate investment journey!



Tuesday, September 24th @ 12pm PST.

Tuesday, October 29th @ 12pm PST.

Tuesday, November 26th @ 12pm PST.

Tuesday, December 17th @ 12pm PST.

Tuesday, January 28th @ 12pm PST.

Tuesday, February 25th @12pm PST.

YES! Calls will be recorded if you are unable to attend live.

One-Time Payment of



Two-Payments of



Testimonials from Women in The Foundations Course

Safe learning environment.

"I wanted to learn in a safe environment about real estate investing, I wasn't taught this information growing up or in school and I see lots of women offering to teach on the subject, but it was you in particular that I felt called to learn more from. I knew Christine would deliver this information in a way that I could understand and be able to implement into my own life. I recommend that whether you're brand new to REI or already well versed, this course is going to take where you are to the next level."

- Nicole C.

Gateway Investing Course!

"I was so excited to get  answers to all the “road blocks” that make RE investing seem unattainable and overwhelming. This course is the gateway to Real Estate investing - the link that will help you realize your goals and bring them to fruition! All the questions I had have been answered, and I now have so many ideas and resources for taking the next steps into the world of investing. The thing I love most about the course is how it completely breaks down each step and turns the process from something scary and daunting into something I understand and am excited about. 100 % recommend!!"

- Taylor H.

I sold my existing investment property.

"The course definitely met my expectations ... and then some. I wasn't sure the time was right for me to be diving into this topic, and was not planning to act on any of the knowledge for a while - but before it was even finished, the course inspired me to get my butt into gear and sell my existing investment property (my old condo which was a cash negative investment) and look at re-investing those funds in other projects in a better market (ie: outside BC) that makes so much more sense!"

- Linh R.

Left me feeling excited to enter the world of real estate investing.

"I found the course to be exactly as advertised, and would recommend it to anyone in my circle, who is also interested in learning more about real estate investing foundations. Christine is a fantastic teacher and is full of knowledge. Her foundations course for women left me feeling excited to enter the world of real estate investing!"

- Amy K.

An absolute game-changer!

"Learning from Christine was an absolute game-changer for me! From start to finish, I was blown away by her depth of knowledge and friendly, approachable demeanor that comes through the videos. This course has changed my way of thinking about my future, and just what's possible in terms of real estate investing. I loved how practical the foundations course was – and that I could apply what I learned directly into my everyday life. Plus, the flexibility of the course material meant I could learn at my own pace without feeling overwhelmed. I highly recommend the foundations course to anyone out there interested in learning what kind of investor they want to be and how to get started!"

- Madison M.

I found the answers to my questions and more!

"I was so excited to learn about RE investing from someone who is actively doing it! At the beginning I was trying to decide if we should become investors again now or set up our family home first. I knew that either way I want to be an RE investor eventually. The other thing I was trying to decide was if I should be passive or actively investing. This course helped me find all of my answers and some!"

- Kaila P.

Self-paced course now available!

Now I'm Ready!!